Tracking Deals by Group and Bank on CapIQ


Below is instruction for a CapIQ screen developed for tracking announced and completed deals by bank and group. This screen is useful for interns and prospective bankers who want a refresher on transactions.

You can save the screen and access it anytime after creation.

  1. Highlight "Screening" and select "transactions"

  2. Input the criteria in the picture (order matters). You can customize your exact settings differently from what I have. The only tricky one is "Transaction Advisors." You only need to type in your bank in the "Search For" box and hit go. Then you select your parent company.

  3. Check that your criteria either match the above, aside from bank, or that the parameters reflect the different settings you chose.

  4. Hit "Save as New Screen" and then "View Results" (order does not matter)

  5. You can now access the list whenever you want under "My saved screens"